- Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Fish II Programme
- Antarctic & Southern Ocean Coalition
- Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna
- Conservation International
- Coral Reef Alliance
- Deep Sea Conservation Coalition
- Earth Watch Institute
- Flora and Fauna International
- Food & Agriculture Organisation of the UN
- Global Great Lakes
- Grayling Society
- Greenpeace
- International Federation of Fly Fishers
- International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas
- International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
- International Game Fish Association (IGFA)
- Lake Net
- Marine Bio
- Marine Conservation Society
- North Atlantic Salmon Fund
- Ocean Foundation
- Oceana
- Pacific Fisheries Coalition
- Pacific Salmon Commission
- Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
- Reef Relief
- Sea Shepard Conservation Society
- Shark Alliance
- Shark Savers
- Society for Conservation Biology
- Sustainable Oceans International
- Sea Web
- The Nature Conservancy
- United Nations Environment Programme
- Wetlands International
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Wild Salmon Centre
- World fishing & Aquaculture
- World Fish
- World Resources Institute
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)