- Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA)
- Australian Government Department of Agriculture
- Australian Government Antarctic Division
- Australian Government Department of the Environment
- Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS)
- Commonwealth Fisheries Association
- Department of Fisheries WA
- Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA)
- Victorian Environmental Assessment Council
- Australian Conservation Foundation (ACF)
- Australian Coral Reef Society
- Australian Marine Conservation Society
- Australia’s Northern Prawn Fishery
- Big Blue Sea
- Coastal Watch
- Conservation Council ACT
- Conservation Council NSW
- Conservation Council QLD
- Conservation Council SA
- Conservation Council TAS
- Conservation Council WA
- Conservation Volunteers
- Environment Centre NT
- Environment Institute of Australia and New Zealand
- Fishers For Conservation Inc
- Ghost Nets Australia
- Keep Australia Fishing
- Marine Education Society of Australasia
- Northern Gulf Resource Management Group Ltd (NGRMG)
- Ocean Watch
- Reef Ed
- Reef Watch
- Sea Australia
- South East Trawl Fishing Industry Association
- Southern Gulf Catchments
- Territory Natural Resource Management
- Wilderness Society